Alex’s Lemonade Stand—Football Game
While it's still quite warm and while football is still in session, hold a lemonade stand to raise money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand during a football game. My club recently sold 16 ounce lemonade cups at our homecoming football
While it's still quite warm and while football is still in session, hold a lemonade stand to raise money for Alex’s Lemonade Stand during a football game. My club recently sold 16 ounce lemonade cups at our homecoming football
game for $1 a cup, and we raised a net total of over $300, so it can be very
Get Well Cards
*Thanks to Chris Ding and Albert Oh for this idea
At Albert Oh’s (LTG division 15) ZOTC meeting, he had club officers make get well cards for sick children in Korea, where he would be traveling to later that year. Albert’s mother wrote phrases such as “Get Well Soon” and “Hello, How Are You?” on paper, and the officers carefully copied the phrases onto cards that they had decorated. Not
only did this project warm the hearts of sick children, it also let officers
learn about a different language from across the world!
You can implement a similar project in your school Key Club. If there are any foreign exchange students or students whose native language is other than English, ask them to write down words in their native language, and make cards for sick children with those phrases. Either mail or personally deliver.
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